Webscraping Service

How businesses use data through web scraping

  1. Best Web Scraping Service
  2. Web Scraping Open Source
  3. Web Scraping Services Uk
  4. Web Scraping Service
  5. Web Scraping Companies
  6. What Is Web Scraping

Web scraping enables businesses to take unstructured data on the world wide web and turn itinto structured data so that it can be consumed by their applications, providing significant businessvalue

Web Scrape - A Top Data Wrangling Service Provider Companies How Data wrangling made easy? Here are the reasons. Too much time in data preparation: As you deal with big data, data preparation is the foremost step, which is very time taking. Fully managed enterprise-grade web scraping service Many of the world’s largest companies trust ScrapeHero every day to transform billions of web pages into actionable data. Our Data as a Service provides high-quality structured data to improve business outcomes and enable intelligent decision making Join 1800+ other customers.

Stock Market and Financial Data

Gather data about global financial markets, stock markets, trading, commodity and economicindicators. Enhance and augmentthe data available to analysts and internal financial models to make them perform better.

Product, Pricing and Review Data

Scrape eCommerce websites to extract product prices, availability, reviews, prominence, brandreputation and more. Monitor your distribution chain, and analyze customer reviews to improveyourproducts and profits with this data.

Real Estate and Housing Data

Scrape Real Estate listings, Agents, Brokers, Houses, Apartments, Mortgages, Foreclosures, MLS.Keep a watch on new databy setting up custom email alerts.

Job Data and Human Capital

Find the best candidates for your company or keep tabs on who your competition is hiring.Aggregate jobs from job boards or company websites - all this can be accomplished through webscraping.

Travel, Hotel and Airline Data

Extract data from travel websites to accurately analyze hotel reviews, pricing, roomavailability andairline ticket prices using our advanced web scraping services. Stay competitive through the useof data.

Dark and Deep Web Data

The Dark web and the Deep web is a gold mine ready to be exploited. Data around cybersecurity,threats and crime related trends can be gathered for value-added analysis.

Sales Leads

Get new sales leads relevant to your business using targeted scraping techniques. Enrich datawith emails, phone numbers and social media profiles for sales or marketing campaigns.

Data for Research and Journalism

Power your next research project or news story with data from the web - Environmental Data,Third World Development Data, Crime Data, Local and Global trends etc.

Social Media Data

Gather data from social media - Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Collect historical data or getalerts from these sites.Monitor your reach and measure the effectiveness of your campaigns.

These are just some examples of the countless uses of web data gathered through webscraping services.
We are happy to engage in a detailed discussion with you about exciting and innovative applications ofour web data extraction services to power your business.

Web scraping can unlock invaluable insights for businesses of all kinds.

As a result, many companies will hire someone to take care of their web scraping projects.

Webscraping Service

If you’re interested in offering this service, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve put together a complete guide on how to offer web scraping services for your clients.

Before we get into the details, let’s review some of the basics.

What is web scraping?

Web scraping is a term used for collecting information from websites on the internet. Most commonly, this is done via automated tools or bots.

Clients who are interested in web scraping services will typically have a goal in mind like 'I want all names, phone numbers, addresses and email addresses for every contact on this directory'. Then, the scraping tool will crawl that website to extract that information and export it to the desired format (Excel, JSON, XML, etc.).

Read More: What is web scraping and how can ParseHub help you scrape the web?

What do people use scraping for?

There are many reasons why people and businesses scrape data from a website. Here are some of the most common use cases that we have found:

  • Scraping lead information from directories: either individual contact information or company information to populate CRMs. For example, scraping platforms such as Yelp or Yellow Pages.
  • Market research: scrape pricing and other information on products from eCommerce websites, vehicles on dealership sites, trips on travel sites or property information from real estate sites
  • Collect data from sites for various research purposes
  • Build aggregators that collect blog posts, classified ads or jobs
  • Scrape data from an old website to move the content over to a new website, where export or API are not available
  • Scrape stock or cryptocurrency rates regularly
  • Scrape reviews and comments for sentiment analysis

How can I scrape data from the web?

There are different ways of scraping information:

  • Custom web scrapers: these are scrapers built by programmers in a variety of programming languages
  • Web scraping software: these are tools that allow you to scrape data from the web without any prior information required.

Custom Web Scrapers

These are typically built by programmers in a variety of languages. People commonly use libraries like Scrapy, Beautiful Soup and Selenium to build them.


  • Highly customizable and tailored to your needs
  • If you hire someone to build it, little time investment on your part

Best Web Scraping Service


  • Difficult to maintain without programming knowledge
  • If you have hired someone, you need to contact and pay them each time an issue arises or a change is required
  • Each website requires that an entirely new scraper be built for it

Web Scraping Software

There are many software companies out there that provide software that allow you to scrape data without any programming knowledge. Some examples include: Import.io, Diffbot, Portia and our own software, ParseHub.

Get scraping now with our free Web Scraping tool - up to 200 pages scraped in minutes.


  • Users can typically set up web scrapers with little or no technical knowledge
  • In some cases, such as ParseHub, there is support available to set up your scraping projects
  • Users can also maintain their project without having to contact a developer
  • Pricing can start off quite low, with many providers offering a free version
  • You can use the same piece of software to scrape multiple different sites, rather than building one new scraper for each new site you’d want to scrape


  • Some web scraping software cannot handle more complex sites
  • You will need to invest time in learning how to use the software. In some cases, this can be pretty easy depending on the software
  • In some cases, you will need to be more technical to use more advanced features

How popular is web scraping?

The demand for web scraping services is high and rising.

A search for 'web scraping' on Upwork shows that there are currently 833 jobs and Freelancer.com shows 1129.

We used ParseHub to quickly scrape the Freelancer.com 'Websites, IT & Software' category and, of the 477 skills listed, 'Web scraping' was in 21st position.

Web Scraping Open Source

How much do people usually charge for web scraping services?

The cost for scraping a website varies, with some online, freelancers offering extremely low prices such as $10/website.


However, scraping companies will tend to charge a higher price.

An experiment on Web Scraping services pricing

We contacted several scraping companies with a quote request for a weekly scrape of 6000 products on Amazon in four categories to extract the title, price, brand, description, ASIN, rating, number of reviews and the 'Sold by' name and URL.

These are some of the quotes we received:

Web Scraping Services Uk

  • $400 initial setup and $4500 - $5000 USD per year for managed services (assuming a middle ground of $4750, this is $395/month maintenance)
  • $99 initial setup, $79/month for monthly maintenance and $5 per 10000 records per month (assuming 6000 records per week, this adds on $12 per month for a total of $91/month maintenance)
  • $149 initial setup and $100/month maintenance
  • $329 initial setup and the first 10,000 lines of data. After that, each additional record will be charged at $0.005/line. At 24,000 products per month, this is about $120/month maintenance

While it's a small sample, it is about a $244 average for the initial setup and a $177 average monthly maintenance fee. These prices are more or less in line with those reported by scraping.pro. Not too shabby if the project isn't too complex!

Web Scraping Service

One-time Web Scraping jobs

A lot of these quotes are based on ongoing web scraping jobs. But what about one-time jobs?

ParseHub offers a free plan for your one-time scraping needs, additionally, we can setup and run the entire scraping job for you - just contact us to request a quote.

How difficult is it to provide web scraping services?

That depends! It depends on both the method you use (programming vs software) and the complexity of the website.

The above Amazon project, for example, takes an experienced user about 10 - 15 minutes to build and test on ParseHub.

What questions should I ask a potential client?

Free web scraper

In order to understand the complexity of a web scraping project, typically we ask:

  • What website are they trying to scrape?
  • On that website, what specific elements are they interested in?
  • What format would they like the data to be extracted to and how would they like that data formatted?
  • Approximately how many pages will they be scraping?
  • How regularly do they require this data?

On receiving this information we will look at the website and quickly build a sample project to understand how complex it will be. Things to consider are: how structured is the data? Is the layout they are requesting possible?

If the client is scraping a high volume of pages frequently, there may also be issues with the website attempting to block that traffic. In this case, rotating proxies (either from a pool of proxies or using custom proxies for that client) will usually be a requirement.

ParseHub offers IP Rotation services to prevent being blocked from popular websites for scraping.

Is web scraping legal?

Web scraping is legal in most cases. While we cannot provide legal expertise, we would encourage you to read some of the following literature and always check the terms of service of the website you are scraping.

You can read more on the legality of web scraping here: Is web scraping legal?

Web Scraping Companies

Final words

What Is Web Scraping

In summary, web scraping is a highly in-demand skill that you can learn with relative ease. It is a great opportunity for agencies, consultants and freelancers to add web scraping to their service line-up.

[This post was originally written on May 7, 2019 and updated on August 1, 2019]