
Proxy generator

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Proxy nyomtatás

Free proxy lists are used by many, including data scrapers and those looking forward to bypassing the paywall or rate limits, but free proxies come with certain caveats. This page provides a free proxy list with public proxies scraped from many different sources. We scrape thousands of free proxies from all over the internet and check them 24/7 to make sure you only get the freshest proxies possible. Every proxy gets checked multiple times every minute and gets removed if it doesn't work anymore.

Magic: The Gathering is a cool but definitely not cheap entertainment. Ultimately, we are all keen on gathering our favourite cards but sometimes it can be useful to try them free before buying. We are not only fans, but we also are smart!

You can print Magic: The Gathering cards with the help of our free proxy generator, and you are able to try them in your deck. You type or copy your card list (number of items and card names), print them and the game can begin!

Our database is from the page Scryfall and we regularly update it. If you don't find a card please inform us via email on the Contact page.

A Magic: The Gathering kártyajáték egy nagyszerű, de nem olcsó szórakozás. Végső soron mind a kedvenc kártyáink összegyűjtésére törekszünk, de érdemes lehet azokat vásárlás előtt ingyenesen, kockázat nélkül kipróbálni.

Ebben segít a proxy generátor, melynek segítségével Magic: The Gathering kártyákat nyomtathatsz, és kipróbálhatod, működik-e a deckedben. Csak beírod, vagy a listádból bemásolod a nyomtatni kívánt kártyák nevét és darabszámát, és már nyomtathatod is a proxy lapokat!

Adatbázisunkat a Scryfall oldalról vesszük és folyamatosan frissítjük. Ha mégsem találsz egy lapot, tudasd velünk a Kapcsolat oldalon megadott email címen, és utánanézünk a problémának.

List pricing


We buy cards, we sell cards. However, we often don't know the actual market prices of all of our cards! As we never want to buy expensively or sell cheaply, we may need some help.

With the help of our list pricing programme, you can get to know the real value of a whole deck or even a whole shoe box of Magic: The Gathering cards with only a few clicks! You only got to follow these three steps: gather your list of cards (number of items, card names and even expansion) into a file (txt, xlsx or csv), upload the file, and finally, click the Upload button. It's so easy, isn't it?

The actual market prices are from the MCM and the Scryfall databases. We regularly update them.

Kártyát veszünk, kártyát eladunk. De nem mindegy, mennyiért! Senki sem szeret drágán venni és olcsón eladni, pusztán azért, mert nincs tisztában az éppen aktuális piaci árakkal.

Lista-árazónkkal egész decknyi, vagy akár egész cipősdoboznyi Magic: The Gathering kártya aktuális piaci árát tudhatod meg néhány kattintással. Mindössze annyi a dolgod, hogy egy fájlban (txt, xlsx vagy csv) összegyűjtsd a kártyák nevét, darabszámát és akár kiadását, feltöltsd a fájlt, és az utolsó kattintás már adja is az összértéket és egy táblázatot a kártyák áraival.

Az aktuális árakat az MCM és a Scryfall oldalakról vesszük, és rendszeresen frissítjük.

Expansion price guide

Kiadás árlista

When buying or selling bulk amounts of Magic: The Gathering cards, sorting out the ones that are actually worth something can be a highly time-consuming activity. Mostly you’d look up the cards one-by-one to decide, but frankly who’d wanna do that if there’s a better way?

With the aid of our expansion price guide, you get the list of Magic: The Gathering cards from one set ordered by their MCM trend price, and what’s more you can even sort out different rarities. With that, you can burst through the random stuff and keep the cards you need without any more looking-up singles.

We take our current market prices from the MCM and Scryfall databases and update them regularly.

Nagy mennyiségű kártya vételekor vagy eladásakor jó tudni, hogy mely kártyák érhetnek valamit a sok között. Ha ismeretében vagy a vizsgált kártyák kiadásának, ez az oldal segíthet megtalálni az értékesebb darabokat.

A Kiadás árlista segítségével bármely Magic: The Gathering kiadás lapjait MCM trend ár szerinti sorrendbe tudod rendezni, akár megadott ritkaság kiválasztásával is. Ezzel egy csomó időt tudsz megspórolni kártyaválogatás közben, mivel előre megnézheted melyikekre kell odafigyelni. Camfrog for mac os.

Az aktuális árakat az MCM és a Scryfall oldalakról vesszük, és rendszeresen frissítjük.

Proxy Server List - this page provides and maintains the largest and the most up-to-date list of working proxy servers that are available for public use. Our powerful software checks over a million proxy servers daily, with most proxies tested at least once every 15 minutes, thus creating one of the most reliable proxy lists on the Internet - all for free.

Any proxy server listed on this page can be used with a software application that supports the use of proxies such as your web browser. The most popular uses of proxies include hiding your real IP address, disguising your geographic location, and accessing blocked websites.

Proxy free siteFree

This proxy list is updated once every 60 seconds from the data stored in our gigabyte-sized proxy database. The list can be filtered down by a number of attributes such as the port number of a proxy, country of origin of a proxy, and the level of anonymity of a proxy.

Note: If you do not know what any of these numbers mean, or how to use proxy servers in general, scroll to the bottom of this page.

Proxy IPProxy PortLast CheckProxy SpeedUptimeProxy CountryAnonymity
80 1213 ms6% (214)Indonesia Anonymous
8080 3923 ms12% (454)Hungary - Budapest Transparent
8085 3252 ms2% (522)United States - Kansas City Elite
8085 3141 ms1% (508)United States - Kansas City Elite
3128 1969 ms54% (704)United States Anonymous
999 2891 ms23% (519)Dominican Republic - Santo Domingo Este Anonymous
3128 1333 ms81% (599)Germany - Frankfurt am Main Transparent
8080 718 ms98% (479)Singapore Transparent
80 758 ms88% (590)Mexico - Chihuahua City Anonymous
9001 3891 ms6% (319)Mongolia Transparent
6666 4585 ms8% (157)India - Vadodara Elite
8123 356 ms99% (370)Mexico - Mexico City Elite
8123 323 ms99% (324)France - Clichy Elite
8123 633 ms82% (363)Brazil - São Paulo Elite
80 666 ms98% (359)Brazil - São Paulo Elite
80 342 ms99% (289)Mexico - Mexico City Elite
8080 3332 ms24% (33)Mexico - Mexicali Elite
80 550 ms99% (216)Singapore - Singapore Elite
6666 4132 ms7% (174)India - Gandhidham Elite
8080 5632 ms5% (132)Singapore Transparent
8080 3184 ms23% (86)Serbia Transparent
8080 3924 ms53% (271)United States - Ashburn Elite
8080 3032 ms24% (58)Turkey Transparent
83 2655 ms15% (132)India - Mancherial Transparent
8080 4451 ms3% (655)India - Vadodara Transparent
8080 1038 ms90% (1072)United States - Bastrop Anonymous
3128 1210 ms90% (128)Saudi Arabia - Riyadh Transparent
8080 1079 ms33% (525)India - Bengaluru Elite
3128 3479 ms10% (110)Brazil Transparent
1080 2860 ms78% (560)United States Elite
8080 1532 ms28% (524)United States Elite
1080 2880 ms73% (1071)United States Elite
8080 1889 ms22% (538)United States Elite
1080 2861 ms74% (559)United States Elite
3128 1966 ms57% (1749)India - Mumbai Transparent

Proxy Anonymity Levels Explained

A more detailed explanation about the specifics can be found on our proxy levels explained page, but the basic behavior of each proxy level goes like this:

online, free Proxy

  • Transparent - target server knows your IP address and it knows that you are connecting via a proxy server.
  • Anonymous - target server does not know your IP address, but it knows that you're using a proxy.
  • Elite - target server does not know your IP address, or that the request is relayed through a proxy server.

How to use Proxy Servers?

Almost any application, such as your own web-browser, can be configured to route your connections through a proxy server for reasons of anonimity or performance. Configuring your browser to use a proxy server is quick and easy, and the instructions for doing that are described in our articles section.


However, the recommended alternative to doing all those steps anytime you wish to use a different proxy, is to use our homemade proxy switcher that can simplify the whole process to just a few mouse clicks. Our Nova Proxy Switcher can be downloaded from our proxy software page.